Useful Information
The goal of this page is to provide the community with useful phone numbers and website links for fire information. It is ever expanding, so don't be discouraged if what you are looking for is not here. If there is something you would like to see, please contact us so that we might consider your request.
Burn Day information
Calaveras Alert Registration
Sign up for Calaveras Alert on line or by using this mail in form
Calaveras County Fire Chiefs Association
Information on becoming a volunteer emergency responder in Calaveras County.
Calaveras County Air Pollution Control District
Burn day and burn permit information.
Cal Fire
Current fire incident information and other fire related topics.
West Point Cal Fire Station - 209-293-4222
American Legion Ambulance
Information about the local ambulance service and how to purchase Ambulance Tickets, a cost savings program for ambulance charges not covered by insurance.
Calaveras County Sheriff
Copperopolis Sheriff Substation
California Highway Patrol
San Andreas Office - 209-754-3541
Cal Trans - California Department of Transportation
Current highway conditions - 1-800-427-7623
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This link takes you directly to the 5- and 7-day forecasts for West Point, CA, including map, radar, and satellite images.
American Red Cross
Capital Region Chapter, including Calaveras and Amador Counties.
Calaveras Foothills Fire Safe Council
The primary purpose of the Calaveras Foothills Fire Safe Council is to help protect our citizens, their property, and our natural resources from the effects of catastrophic wildland fire within Calaveras and adjacent counties.
Motherlode Interagency Training Officers Association
The Motherlode Interagency Training Officers Association is a group dedicated to the betterment of emergency services with an emphasis on fire service training.